Surgeons OverSeas (SOS) began from the modest idea of creating an organization in New York to link surgeons interested in working in developing countries.

What started with a small, local group of passionate and dedicated surgeons has evolved into an international organization with a membership of over 200 surgeons that spans the globe – all with a common goal: saving lives in developing countries by improving surgical care.

We remain committed to our mission of saving lives in developing countries by improving surgical care. Our focus includes:

  • Advancing surgical training in developing countries so those countries ultimately have internal expertise to address surgical needs.
  • Serving as a global surgery research leader with published articles and presentations at worldwide conferences.
  • Using SOS as an incubator for medical research projects addressing cancer care in developing countries.

We have met an unbelievable array of surgeons, physicians, residents, students, and laypeople who share our passion for addressing basic surgical needs throughout the world.
We look forward to expanding our membership and supporters as we continue with our mission to save lives in developing countries by improving surgical care.