Each year since our founding in 2007, SurgeonsOverSeas (SOS) has published an Annual Report detailing our work and the progress we have made. These reports are available for download below.
Since its founding SOS has provided support to local surgeons, hospitals and Ministries of Health in low and middle-income countries to assist in developing long-term surgical capacity.
SOS programs have concentrated on emergency and basic surgical care – life saving and disability preventing procedures that can easily be undertaken and taught in resource-limited environments. SOS has also provided a forum for surgeons and residents in developed countries to more easily connect with colleagues in developing countries.
Support-a-surgeon: Support for local operating room healthcare workers. Monetary levels were determined based on consultation with local administrators and Ministries of Health personnel. A local contact person was identified to assure equitable distribution of funds. Persons who receive funds confirm their desire to abide by the principles of SOS and agree to use standard precautions.
S.H.A.R.P (Surgery and HIV/AIDS Response Program): Provided operating room healthcare workers with protective gear to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood borne diseases. Eye protection, aprons, rubber boots were locally procured when possible and provided to health facilities. Educational sessions and an advocacy campaign also addressed the need for legislation to provide such safety equipment for all healthcare workers.
Basic Surgical Care Workshops: Training workshops to teach basic surgical skills were organized with local surgeons who take the lead roles as educators.
Mass Casualty Exercises: A large scale mass casualty exercise was organized in Sierra Leone with participants from government and NGO sectors.
Esophageal stent placement for inoperable cancer in Malawi: Eighteen surgeons and physicians and 48 nurses were trained on insertion techniques and care for inoperable esophageal cancer in two sites in Malawi. Two hundred and twenty stents were placed and data collected and published.
Personnel, Infrastructure, Procedure, Equipment and Supplies (PIPES): Hospital capacity surveys were developed to understand baseline conditions at health facilities and to assist in developing an intervention strategy. SOS has been involved with hospital based surveys in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria and Bolivia. All data collected are published in peer-reviewed journals and shared with the local surgeons and Ministry of Health.
Surgeons OverSeas Assessment of Surgical need (SOSAS): population based community surveys were developed to understand the incidence and prevalence of surgically treatable conditions. To date full country surveys have been undertaken in Sierra Leone and Rwanda.
Colorectal Cancer Screening and Treatment: In partnership with Obafemi Awolowo University Hospital in Ile-Ife, Nigeria and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the US, a colorectal cancer screening project is underway in Nigeria. SOS provided a colonoscope and is providing pathology and analysis support. Additionally, all patients identified with colon cancer are undergoing treatment.